Month: May 2015

New report details impact of budget cuts on Asian Americans

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT May 19, 2015 Steve Moon 773-597-8024 New report details impact of budget cuts on Asian Americans Community will head to Springfield on Thursday to rally against cuts CHICAGO – A new report, Cutting Lifelines, released Tuesday by members of the Pan Asian Voter Empowerment (PAVE) Coalition, details the impact that budget… Read more »

Chicago Language Access Ordinance is a «Good Start»

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE DISTRIBUTION May 6, 2015 Contact: Andy Kang 773.271.0899 x222 LANGUAGE ACCESS ORDINANCE A GOOD FIRST STEP However, City Council must make emergency services accessible CHICAGO – A coalition of Chicago-based civic engagement and civil rights groups recognizes the language access ordinance passed by the Chicago City Council as a good… Read more »