For Immediate Release: May 16, 2019
Contact: Yoli Navas at 561-990-9029 or yoli@npstrategygroup.com
Value Our Families Responds to Trump’s Immigration Proposal
The Jared Kushner-led policy is dehumanizing, and against American ideals
Washington, DC – The following is a statement from Value Our Families in response to Trump’s speech announcing the new, Jared Kushner-led immigration proposal:
President Trump’s proposal will endanger family-based immigration and sharply curtail immigration overall. The proposed points-based system is just the administration’s latest attempt to continue separating thousands of families and targeting the most vulnerable communities. While the President continues to misrepresent family reunification, he threatens to cut back an already difficult and costly system while also attempting to strip diversity visas.
A person’s worth is not measured by their immigration status. No human should have to prove their worth; not only is such a system dehumanizing, it’s against American ideals. America needs policy that highlights our nation’s best values – not a dangerous proposal that aims to downgrade our current system and further harm families. Congress must rebuke this xenophobic policy.
Value Our Families protects, preserves, and strengthens the family immigration system and promotes an immigration system that is informed by love, empathy, and justice.