A Just Chi

A Just Chi is our program for any and all community members who want to join the movement for racial equity. A Just Chi members have monthly meetings at the Advancing Justice | Chicago office to build community, learn about issues, and plan campaigns.
A Just Chi currently has two working groups: Immigrant Justice and Police Accountability
A Just Chi meetings are on the third Wednesdays of every month. For more info please follow our Facebook events.
Over the summer, A Just Chi members tabled and canvassed at the Argyle Night Market in Uptown to engage community members around several campaigns. In 2018, members gathered signatures to support the VOICES Act, and had conversations with community members on police accountability and the #NoCopAcademy campaign.

A Just Chi leaders work closely with leaders from KINETIC and I Speak Power, collaborating on the annual Grassroots Leadership Assembly. The Assembly, attended by members from all three programs, helps to set Advancing Justice | Chicago’s campaign priorities for the coming year.
To learn more about A Just Chi, give us a like on Facebook! For details on the next A Just Chi meeting, please contact Anooshka Gupta at agupta@advancingjustice-chicago.org
From Our Leaders

"I’ve really enjoyed being with Advancing Justice | Chicago because it’s a group that wants to change things … It’s really good to be able to be in community and organize and fight for each other."
— Tia, A Just Chi leader