
Donate to the A Just Chi Giving Project!


A Just Chi (AJC) is a grassroots community leadership program that offers Asian and Asian American community members the opportunity to explore various racial justice issues, learn community organizing skills, have access points to plug into the movement for racial equity, and build community with one another.

A Just Chi members run three working groups: Abolition & Building Community, Immigrant Justice, and Membership Engagement.

In addition to these three issue areas, A Just Chi engages in community education, skill development, and community building during the monthly workshops at the general meetings.

Your donation will help fund:

$1,000 Charter bus transportation for 50 community leaders to go to the state capital for Asian American Action Day to meet with legislators and advocate for key issues, such as language justice

$500 Provide food, materials, and supplies for an A Just Chi meeting where members learn about racial justice issues and gain skills to address them

$300 Sponsor three A Just Chi leaders to attend an Organizer Training, to learn an organizing curriculum specifically for Asian American community members looking to learn more about how they can make change in Chicago and across the Midwest.

$100 Sponsor a Zoom subscription for A Just Chi hybrid meetings

$50 Campaign materials for our A Just Chi leaders to support community canvassing activities to advocate for immigrant justice and public safety for all

$25 Provides safe transportation for community members to attend rallies and other power-building events