Category: Blog

What defines you?

What defines you?  (my dreams; my passion; my music; my past and present; my future; my experiences.)  — Impact Fellows, writing about Kinetic. This summer, five of our Impact Fellows began the work of building an infrastructure for a high school youth program at two local community-based organizations (CBOs), based on our Kinetic program.  While… Read more »

Flooded Basements and Naturalization

A guest post from a 2013 Impact Fellow Thursday night my tita’s (aunt’s) basement flooded due to the neighbors kid leaving the garden hose on.  Intentional or unintentional is unclear, but that is besides the point. While helping my tita salvage items from the basement, I found a bag that had my late lolo’s (grandpa’s)… Read more »

Fright 214-Intentionality?

A guest post from one of our 2013 Impact Fellows: This past July 4th weekend, there was a horrible plane crash in San Francisco that frightened many. As many people tuned glued to the news to find out more, the focus changed from the victims and families to the inevitable racism that, for some odd… Read more »

The Story Of Asian America

I had an opportunity to lead a session for Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Chicago’s 2013 Impact Fellows Program today, and as always, it was great to hear how people react to terms and ideas that have been swimming around my head for a while. We talked about the term Asian American, and in broad strokes touched… Read more »