Asian Americans Advancing Justice filed a second amicus curiae brief on behalf of a diverse group of students, including Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders who support Harvard’s race-conscious holistic admissions policy.
Category: Press Release
Immigrant Communities, Legislators Denounce Rauner Vetoes of Immigration Bills
Immigrant community members, state legislators, and leaders with the Campaign for a Welcoming Illinois denounced Gov. Bruce Rauner’s vetoes of the VOICES Act (SB 34), the Immigration Safe Zones Act (SB 35), and the Immigrant Tenant Protection Act (SB 3103) on Friday.
Asian Americans Advancing Justice Files Brief In Support of Race-Conscious Admissions at Harvard Asian Americans Refuse to be a Wedge in Affirmative Action Debate
Today, Asian Americans Advancing Justice (Advancing Justice) filed an amicus curiae, “friend of the court,” brief on behalf of a diverse group of students, including Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, who support Harvard’s race-conscious holistic admissions policy.
Asian Americans Advancing Justice Condemns Supreme Court Decision on Muslim Ban
Asian Americans Advancing Justice Condemns Supreme Court Decision on Muslim Ban Washington, D.C. — June 26, 2018 — Today the Supreme Court of the United States upheld the Trump Administration’s third iteration of the Muslim Ban in a 5-4 decision. Rather than reinforcing the notion that America welcomes people regardless of where they are born,… Read more »
Goodlatte’s Anti-Immigrant, Anti-Family Bill Exposes How Out of Touch House Republicans Are with America
The Value Our Families coalition—led by Asian Americans Advancing Justice, Church World Service, and The National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC)— sponsored dozens of immigrant activists, families, and faith leaders from 12 states to lobby their Members of Congress in Washington, DC to urge them to oppose the Goodlatte bill and any other provisions that aim to stop millions of families from reuniting.