

Chicago Reader: Andy Kang’s Op-Ed, “We Don’t Have to Prove Our American-ness”

Our executive director Andy Kang penned an op-ed in the Chicago Reader that addresses the patterns of racist rhetoric that have had dangerous consequences in our country’s history, and how we can prevent history from repeating itself as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created many more opportunities for us to tackle racial injustice. What is happening now has highlighted the deadly consequences of centuries of anti-Blackness and unaddressed health and economic disparities for the African American community, while at the same time flushing out the dormant anti-Asian xenophobia in our society. This is a moment for Asian Americans to actively build solidarity with Black communities to confront two sides of the same problem: the legacies of white supremacy that are hurting our communities.

Instead of showing our “American-ness” in the face of racism, Asian Americans, and all Americans, need to step up and unite around an undying commitment to achieving real racial justice in our country. I pray Chicagoans will lead the way.

Read the full story here.

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Civil Rights Groups Get Out the Count with Asian Americans Amid COVID-19 Quarantine 


April 1, 2020 

Civil Rights Groups Get Out the Count with Asian Americans Amid COVID-19 Quarantine 

Asian Americans Advancing Justice Focuses for Census Day on April 1st 

Chicago, IL – Asian Americans Advancing Justice, an affiliation of five Asian American civil rights organizations, is pushing for an accurate count of the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities amid the disruption to census activities caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The groups have turned their efforts to a more digital strategy, using PSAs, viral videos, and social media to entice individuals to fill out the 2020 Census. 

In the civil and human rights space, April 1st is not April Fool’s Day. It’s Census Day, a national day to remind everyone who hasn’t filled out their census to go online, fill out the form, or respond via phone to the decennial census. 

“For a community that includes undocumented immigrants and individuals in mixed-status households, we know some are still hesitant about completing the census so we are doing all we can to give them reassurance that we are here to support them through our census hotline, census pledge, and numerous resources on the website,” says Terry Ao Minnis, senior director of census and voting programs for Asian Americans Advancing Justice AAJC.  

Asian Americans Advancing Justice launched the website one year ago as the central hub for Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander individuals, and organizations in communities across the nation. The website has resources in 23 different languages from factsheets and PSAs to webinars and toolkits to help people understand the importance of the census and locally help our communities be counted fairly and accurately. 


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