Legislative Agenda 2019
Count our families by ensuring robust funding for the 2020 Census, including outreach for hard to count communities, including the Asian American community.
Protect our families by preventing local law enforcement from becoming ICE agents and prohibiting private detention centers in our state.
- YES! On HB 1637 Keep Illinois Families Together Act (Rep. Villanueva)
- YES! On HB 2040 Private Detention Facility Moratorium Act (Rep. Cassidy – Sen. Peters)
Value our families by preventing landlords from discriminating against renters because of their immigration status, making sure a person’s immigration status isn’t unnecessarily disclosed in court, and by ensuring that children are able to have short-term guardians if their parent is detained or deported by ICE.
- YES! On SB 1290 The Immigrant Tenant Protections Act (Sen. Castro – Rep. Mah)
- YES! On SB 1429 Evidence – Immigration Status (Sen. Villivalam – Rep. Gong-Gershowitz)
- YES! On HB 836 Guardians-Minor:Non-US Parent (Rep. Gong-Gershowitz – Sen. Villivalam)
Invest in our families by increasing educational equity through state financial aid, creating an Asian American Family Commission, ensuring fair reimbursement rates for workers providing care in our communities.
- YES! On HB 3217 Asian American Family Commission (Rep. Mah – Sen. Villivalam)
- YES! On HB 2776 and SB 2019 (Rep. Andrade – Sen. Hunter)
- Expand investment in the Immigrant Services Line Item (ISLI) to $10 million
Members of the Pan-Asian Voter Empowerment (PAVE) coalition:
Alliance of Filipinos for Immigrant Rights & Empowerment (AFIRE), Asian Americans Advancing Justice | Chicago, Cambodian Association of Illinois, Chinese American Service League (CASL), Chinese Mutual Aid Association (CMAA), Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community (CBCAC), Hamdard Health Center, HANA Center, Indo-American Center (IAC), Japanese American Service Committee (JASC), Lao American Organization of Elgin (LAOE), Muslim Women Resource Center, Vietnamese Association of Illinois (VAI)
For more information on the 2019 PAVE Agenda, contact Justin Valas, Policy Director at Asian Americans Advancing Justice | Chicago: jvalas@advancingjustice-chicago.org