For Immediate Release: March 12, 2019
Contact: Yoli Navas at 561-990-9029 or yoli@npstrategygroup.com
Value Our Families Supports The Dream and Promise Act
Washington, DC – Earlier today, legislators announced The Dream and Promise Act of 2019, a new bill providing permanent protections for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) recipients and TPS (Temporary Protected Status) and DED (Deferred Enforced Departure) holders. Hundreds of thousands of immigrant families have been needlessly living in constant fear of deportation and separation while the fates of DACA and TPS are help up in courts. The Dream and Promise Act comes as a much needed reprieve to the thousands of immigrants, many of whom have lived here for decades, that are stuck in limbo.
The Trump administration has been attacking immigrants and immigrant families, systematically stripping thousands of immigrants of their legal status, ripping children from their parents at the border, and threatening our family based immigration system. Immigrant families are a driving force in our communities, not a burden.
Value Our Families supports The Dream and Promise Act, and urges members of Congress to pass this new bill and provide permanent protections to Dreamers, TPS, and DED holders. This is the first of many needed steps in order to ensure that immigrant families can live free from fear of deportation, and that our family based immigration system continues to reflect the needs of our communities.
Value Our Families protects, preserves, and strengthens the family immigration system and promotes an immigration system that is informed by love, empathy, and justice.
For more information visit www.valueourfamilies.org