Bystander Intervention Trainings

To combat the current rise in harassment and discrimination and to also proactively prepare for the future increase of hate incidents, Advancing Justice | Chicago is partnering with New York-based nonprofit Right To Be to plan and implement an aggressive scaling up of locally-led bystander hate incident intervention trainings for community members.

Attend a Training

We periodically update this page with new training dates.

Our Asian Americans Advancing Justice Affiliation of SF, DC, and LA has trained over 150,000 people and counting since launching in July 2020.

If your organization or community group would like to learn more or sign up for a training, please email


Thank You to Our Sponsors & Community Partners

See the full list here.


Are you a corporation interested in a private training? View sponsorship information here.

Our Program


In this one-hour, interactive online training, participants will:

  • learn about the types of disrespect and dangers that Asian and Asian American folks are facing right now and throughout history — from microaggressions to violence.
  • understand what to look for in scenarios and the positive impact that bystander intervention has on individuals and communities.
  • talk through five strategies (5Ds) for intervention and how to prioritize your own safety while intervening.
  • practice using the 5Ds so that participants are confident intervening the next time they witness Anti-Asian harassment.


Have questions? Check out our FAQs page!



“This training was thoughtful, useful, and has increased my understanding of anti-Asian/American harassment as well as better prepared me for bystander intervention. The interactive format made me think on my feet as I might need to in a real situation, and I also appreciated the hosts making space for everyone’s comfort level in participating. I would absolutely recommend this training to individuals, organizations, and even businesses to learn the tools needed to help address harassment in the world today.”


“After attending a training myself, I brought this training to my colleagues and graduate students. Since the murder of George Floyd in May 2020, my department has been activated and eager to do racial justice work. They have been focusing on systemic changes they can make to support BIPOC, but this training provided us with different resources and support that can be used in our daily lives. I’m thankful for this resource and the opportunity to share it with others.”


“This was one of the most outstanding trainings that provided concrete, realistic and compassionate actions to help in a tense and hurtful situation.”


“This training provides real, on the ground, nuts and bolts examples and techniques so that what is learned here can be applied with ease in the real world.”